BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 MS | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Vīriešu vienspēles | Jonatan Christie Indonēzija

BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 MS | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Vīriešu vienspēles | Jonatan Christie Indonēzija
BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 XD | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Jauktās dubultspēles | Zheng Si Wei/Huang Ya Qiong Ķīna
BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 MS | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Vīriešu vienspēles | Chen Long Ķīna
BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 XD | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Jauktās dubultspēles
BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 WS | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Sieviešu vienspēles
BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 MS | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Vīriešu vienspēles
BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 MD | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Vīriešu dubultspēles
BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 WD | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Sieviešu dubultspēles
BADMINTONS | Final tournament of the 2019 BWF World Tour
HSBC BWF World Tour Finals 2019 MS | 11-15 December | Guangzhou, China | Vīriešu vienspēles | Anthony Sinisuka Ginting Indonēzija